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Sep 2019 First question: Satanism

13:45 - Why are ancient monsters more scary than modern monsters

18:25 - Talking to evangelicals about liturgy

20:53 - Holding personal beliefs at odds with the church

24:05 - Explain his youtube logo (connect with talk with Benjamin Boyce?

26:30 - Cultural appropriation & the problem with youth pastors (27:47)

29:25 - Where literal truth falls into the hierarchy? - what is truth?

32:35 - What’s the highest place for musical instruments, since they’re not used in liturgy or sacred spaces?

36:00 - Talk about empty rituals, the downsides to ritualistic behaviour

40:35 - Advice on having kids despite financial concerns

43:41 - Can we ever return to a version of the medieval ancient world?

45:38 - Nassim Taleb & the idea of “skin in the game” - participation

47:26 - What do you think about received visions?

51:58 - The symbolism of shopping malls

54:14 - Why does Jesus tell people not to tell others about his miracles

56:24 - “Being crucified in Christ” what does it mean?

59:13 - How do you regard the gospel of Thomas?

1:01:03 - Can you explain aerial toll houses in Orthodoxy?

1:06:07 - Plato or Aristotle?

1:07:35 - Literal vs Figurative

1:09:06 - Easter buddy leaving chocolate eggs

1:12:08 - Explain key differences between the orthodox and catholic churches’ ideas of the Holy Trinity

1:18:30 - God’s essence and energy

1:20:45 - Would the law have to die so that it can be raised?

1:23:39 - Please discuss the validity of scheduled liturgical fasting - feminine vs masculine

1:25:48 - Is it orthodox that the world is 7500 years old?

1:28:08 - Rumpelstiltskin had power in anonymity - explain

1:31:42 - Definition of truth? - JBP

1:34:03 - Does past-present-future relate to the Father-Son-Holy spirit respectively?